Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mallasilla Chalet

For a while now, we've been talking about naming our home in Mallasilla- a good, strong name that eloquently expresses our dreams and feelings about this place. Today, Scotty found the perfect name: In Quechua (one of the 2 native languages) it is called Pachakaya Upki. This translates: Chalet Cat Hair Everywhere. We've found that no other name would quite do justice to the state of our house- and our clothes for that matter. In this chilly city, we live daily in black fleeces, which we have found to be one of the most powerful, man-made cat hair magnets ever created. I think we might need to raise our support levels just to keep ourselves stocked with those little tape roller brushes that take hair off clothes. Scotty has found a new hobby in forming small, life-like creatures out of loose cat hair found in the linens or clothes, and has taken to selling them in the streets downtown. It really is working itself into a wonderful ministry opportunity...

1 comment:

Steve said...

How funny! And, unfortunately, how familiar with our experience with Bo! At least you have a good sense of humor about it! God bless your Cat Hair Magnet house. Cheddar and Malphurs are worth it! We love you all, cats included. Mom and Dad