Thursday, August 03, 2006

Dream house

In my dreams Scotty and I have built this house on a hillside in Mallasilla, Bolivia. We eat breakfast on the front porch every morning while our two dogs run circles in the front yard and our kittens lap milk and bread (cat food of choice) from their bowls near our feet. We gaze into the nearby mountains, pondering God's powerful creation and why these knock-off cornflakes taste like cardboard (the really good cereal is a bit expensive there). Seriously, I love this house.

So, besides dreaming about other peoples' houses, we are having quite an enjoyable and relaxing time in Minneapolis. Like it or not, a fair amount of our friends here are out of town this week, so we've found ourselves with more downtime than we are used to on these roadtrips of ours. God has blessed us with gorgeous blue skies and warm, dry weather, which creates the perfect atmosphere to take advantage of the numerous lakes and trails around the city. We've taken many walks together, one of our favorite pastimes, and spent the evenings drinking in the hospitality of our favorite Minnesotans. A new appreciation for this city has been born within me now that the grasses aren't covered with snow and the windows of the homes are left open for the warm breeze. There are little cafes and coffee shops on every corner, as well as a dazzling smorgasboard of international cuisine that brings joy to my heart as I think about how fun it would be to try each one. I can finally begin to see why Scotty holds this place so near to his heart, besides the amazing relationships he has formed with so many here.


Anonymous said...

Hey Scotty and Lisa,
Wow - truly a beautiful house. You know, Jen and I love looking at beautiful homes - dreams that is...
who knows what our home in Burkina will look like - getting excited just thinking about it. You guys are off to your destination Bolivia so soon...almost jeaulous of you! We hope to head out in Feb. We'll see what God has in store.
It is good to read your the fun and humour in it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa and Scotty,
What great blogs! Your thoughts and dreams about Bolivia portray so much love for the country and her people. I know you are so excited to be back. It is so apparent that God has placed those dreams in your hearts, and that He will play them out beautifully. Thanks for sharing with all of us!
See you soon. We love you very much. Mom and Dad K

Nicole said...

God is so gracious to us. Even though I know you would have liked to have seen friends in MN, God knew you needed to rest. I stand in awe of Him!!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you are having a restful time in MN! It sounds enticing....

Anonymous said...

hello you guys are so lucky that you'll be in Mallasilla Bolivia. I grew up there when as a child about 26 years ago, It looks so much different now.I now live in Miami FL US. Well good luck, the people are very nice there.