Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First days

Well, we feel more settled in now, although it still looks like our suitcases exploded all over the house. We've picked up our cats, who seem to have settled in like we never left and don't seem surprised that there's a toddler around squealing and flailing a large spoon at them. We've made a few trips into town and are busily working on figuring out what visa to apply for next, since the one we came in with only gives us only 30 days. Apparently, a lot of things will be changing on the 22nd, since our president was re-elected into office and managed to win a majority in the senate which means his party has almost complete control with no opposition. We aren't quite sure what this means. We're praying for a miracle in the visa department. Natty is loving her new surroundings and is enamored with the abundance of stray dogs and sheep that trot about our street. She's taken to calling almost everyone "dada". She also has started trying to repeat the words we say and has labeled avocado (which are the most delicious, buttery, amazing fruits here in Bolivia) "caca". That one's pretty funny. Our landlords downstairs seem genuinely happy to have us back and are thrilled to see how Natty has grown. I was informed the other day by a Bolivian friend that I'm too skinny. "Skinny is ugly." I'm not sure how to respond to that. However, as I was driving home last night, I heard angels singing and saw to my left a little place called "The Donut Factory". I might not stay ugly for long. So, we are getting back into the swing of things little by little and have enjoyed the short interactions we've had with our friends, awaiting more lengthy times together in the near future and getting back into ministry as well.


beth said...

Skinny is ugly in lots of places in Africa, too. Fat is considered prosperous and healthy. Enjoy those donuts!

Also, glad to hear your kitties are happily back with you and tolerating Natty and her spoon.

Steve said...

Now if only those donuts taste as good as they look!
Great blog, as usual. Good to hear how well things are going.
Have fun continuing to settle in, and enjoy your time with friends.
We love you all!

Annette said...

My sister living in Mexico says the bigger the bum, the better!

Anonymous said...

Skinny is in.
Thanks for keeping us updated.
