Friday, November 20, 2009


Although this time in Charlotte has been crazy, I am thankful for so many things here. Somewhat consistent exercise has been glorious- even when I am jogging in frosty air that makes my thighs burn and nose run. I always feel OK about what the day has to offer when I have spent some energy in the morning. Today I took the most refreshing walk, wanting to make the most of these sunny days that have been sadly absent since the weather has turned cool. I find it much easier to think about other things when I'm walking, as opposed to jogging, in which every fiber of my being and mind is working to convince myself not to wuss out. So many bits of joy flashed through my mind as I walked and the gold leaves raining down around me when the wind blew was an extra special bonus. Natty and I went out for a stroll after lunch- she clutching a red leaf I had plucked off a tree and me verbalizing all those things I was thankful for that had been running through my mind earlier. I know Scotty is feeling a lot more pressure than I am these days- he's got several papers, tests and projects to finish before his classes end in the next few weeks, not to mention 1500+ pages to read from assigned books. I'm trying to spend a lot of time creating a space for him to concentrate on, which means taking Natty on errands with me. She's very familiar with Trader Joes and Wal-Mart and has visited several parks in south Charlotte. We discovered a nearby Big Lots yesterday which carried a decent car seat cheaper than I could find it anywhere else, including online. She makes friends wherever we go, usually by grinning sheepishly at them, or lately, by forcefully pointing and making a sharp yell/grunt sound at them. Whatever works, I suppose. She's in a really fun stage where she's got lots of energy (which has led her to finally drop her morning nap) and is learning so much. She's much steadier on her feet, although still not interested in walking. She loves to give kisses and her first words every morning are "Da-da" when she discovers him on the bed directly in front of her bedroom door. She loves playing with crayons and eats every half hour when awake.

I can practically feel the shortness of breath that is so familiar upon arriving to La Paz (or am I having a panic attack?)- our time of return is so soon. I see our last chunk here in several distinct, rapid phases: Thanksgiving trip to hang out with Scotty's parents in the smokeys; Scotty's last classes (i.e. late nights)/packing and organizing for me; drive back to Florida (via TN to drop off the borrowed vehicle); Christmas; last minute crazy shopping, packing, unpacking to scale down on stuff, repacking; tearful good-bye at the airport. And then the readjustment to La Paz. Will Natty do OK this time in the altitude? Will I remember how to speak Spanish? Will the strange place and strange language scare my baby? Will our house be in good order when we arrive? Will our cats remember us? Will I be truly happy to be back? I'm not worried about these things and yet, they are genuine questions that pass through my brain from time to time. I guess we'll have to wait to find out!


mims said...

You know, having lived in another country, I've been asking many of those questions on your behalf and praying that your re-entry will go surprisingly well for all three of you. (And, I confess, am glad it is you and not us.)

nicole said...

Although I know it's not really possible, I really wish we could see you guys before it's time for youto go back. We will be praying for you in these last few weeks in the states and for a smooth transition to your Bolivian home! Love y'all!