Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hangin' with our Church Peeps

So, we went to the Pinckney's house yesterday for lunch and ended up sitting around the table for hours talking about life and ministry...I think most of us have been there. Beth made this fantastic rice and beans concoction which we piled high with bell peppers, tomatoes, mangos, and jalapeno pepper syrup. Although it sounds a little strange, it tasted fantastic! She inspires me to experiment even more with my cooking, something I've found much joy in since becoming a wife. Thankfully, Scotty enjoys the fruits of my labor and graciously puts up with my incessant web searches for new recipes. Anyone have any favorites they'd like to send my way?? All that said, we love the Pinckneys. We always leave their company feeling special and cared for.
We also had the privilege of spending the later part of the day with our small group, who we thoroughly enjoy. We celebrated Amanda's birthday and the closing of this chapter with Scotty as leader with cake, Krispy Kreme, and IBC root beer (how did we get anything done after all that sugar?). We've decided to stay on with this group through the summer since we love them so much...and they know all our secrets. For a small fee, you too can be a part of the coolest group around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't believe it! You can't get into that small group if you had a million dollars.

*runs to withdraw two million from her overseas accounts*