Monday, February 14, 2011


So, we just got spanked at euchre again by Scotty's parents. We almost won...for real. So, after saying good-bye, I find myself still up after some people have gone to bed- a twist on the usual. I'm not a night person. I've been thinking about writing a blog about something I've been thinking about, but feel like it's one of those ideas that only the tip of your brain grabs a hold of and you're not sure you even totally understand it, much less are you capable of expressing it to other people. But, I'll try. So, I've found as I grieve that it's incredibly helpful to hear the stories of other moms and dads who have lost children as well. The ups and downs they experienced, the lessons learned, the real, rawness of their hearts. I hope my blog will one day serve the same purpose to another poor soul who will forever have a piece of her missing. And then I realize again that even though I can relate to these women, they can't walk in my shoes with me. Grief is a solitary experience. So then I get sad thinking about that and have to remind myself that the Lord is here and that He knows what I am going through. But that feels different because He hasn't written a blog about it... You know what I'm saying? It just doesn't feel as tangible. But I know that the suffering the Lord has endured is completely incomparable to what I am going through now. I was talking to the Lord about this the other day and still wanting to feel convinced that we're in this together. Then I had an idea. It might not be a completely theologically correct one, so bear with me. If Christ's death on the cross was God's plan to redeem man and be a sacrifice for sin once and for all- that must include the effect of sin on the world, right? In other words, because Adam and Eve (who I am really unhappy with right now) chose to disobey God, sin and brokenness entered the world and terrible things happen that aren't in line with God's expressed will- like natural disasters and babies dying. So, when Christ died, was it not only for the sins that people commit but for the terrible things that happen as a result of sin- like Zion's death? If that's the case, as I have always imagined it, at some point as He hung on that cross taking on the sins of all His children from all time, He also took on the death of my son and experienced that pain. So not only does He know it but He's felt it. He's felt what I'm feeling and we're in this together. It's nice to have that great Someone to walk through this with and I pray He will continually strengthen my faith and hope to remember that He is here.


Megan Del Castillo said...

that's such a profound made me "pooly" (if i haven't explained that word coined by my dear friend erica, i will). thanks for sharing...the Bible says that God understands our pain...and what more than through really experiencing it...

Steve said...

I firmly believe God is speaking these thoughts into your life, helping you understand His great love and compassion for you through this journey. He did, and does, know and feel your pain, and wants so much for you to know His comfort and love, even while complete comprehension evades you. We continue to pray for you and love you all so very much. Mom and Dad K
PS Thank you for continuing to pour out your heart. I know you are helping me, and only God knows how many others.

Michelle said...

I never really know what is "theologically correct" either, Lis, but your thoughts makes sense to me. I found this quote from C.S. Lewis: "Only He who really lived a human life (and I presume that only one did) can fully taste the horror of death." I do believe that in the solitude of grief, only One can truly know the depth of your pain and, as such, walk with you in it. I pray that you will continue to be reminded, and to feel acutely, how very near God is to you in the midst of your grief. Love you Lisa.

Isaiah 53:3
He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.

Jana said...

I smiled at your comment about God not having blogged, because just in the last few days I have thought, "wouldn't it be cool if God had a facebook page?" :)

May He continue to speak directly to your heart...

littlenelsonlady said...

Huge fan of that theology. amazing thinking. Makes so much sense.

Lindsey said...

My name is Lindsey Mills, I am a friend of Morgan Besares (Nelson now). We just lost our baby to a miscarriage 3 weeks ago. Morgan gave me your blog address just in case I wanted to read about another mother's loss. I have been reading and reading and have been so touched, moved to tears, and gripped by your words. I know that I have never met you but the Lord has used your words to comfort me and speak to me during this incredibly difficult time. Thank you for putting your heart out there and being so vulnerable. I noticed you said in this blog that you hoped one day your words could comfort another mother who lost her child. Well, your words have definitely comforted me and spoken to me and I am so thankful! I hope it was okay that Morgan gave me your blog. I appreciate you being so open and honest and pouring your heart out. I have been and will continue to pray for you and your family. I know that every situation is different but I feel like I kind of know how to pray for you bc of what we have been through. Thank you again, so much!