Friday, February 09, 2007

Because I haven't written in so long and have no idea where to start, I will talk about our cats. Pictured here is Malphurs, named after a street that was close by our home in Charlotte. We affectionately call him "Darth Malphurs" and often wonder what he will do next to entertain and annoy us. He is demanding, often leaping from couch to couch in attempt to reach you so that he can hook you with a needle-like claw and force you into petting him. He is the first at our bedroom door when I get up in the morning, screaming to be fed and loved, and will follow you around screaming until you placate him. He loves water, as you can see by this unique resting place- the guest bathroom sink. He often waits at the shower door for me to get out so he can go in and walk about in the leftover puddles. Ever since Cheddar told him there is treasure at the bottom of the floor drain in the kitchen, he spends much time removing the drain cover, inserting his arm up to the armpit, and fishing around in the muck below. All that's come up so far is yucky dirt clumps. Gross. Cheddar, on the other hand, couldn't be sweeter and more adorable (we do think Malphurs is adorable, by the way). His greatest trick is "the flop". When he wants attention, he will walk to wherever you are in the house and flop, very dramatically and usually with a "thump", to the floor. Always on his side, always as if he's reached the end of a very long and hard journey. The other night, he even leapt (not fell, but actually jumped) from Scotty's lap, into the flop position (on his side) on the floor below- as if he was in a cannonball contest without the pool. Good form, Cheddar... Cheddars favorite activity, after the flopping, is sprawling out in contortionist-like positions to take a nap. Strange animals we have raised.
Besides this, we continue spending time with our church plant members, getting to know the families a little better each time. Scotty is leading a Bible study for our weekly meetings, which is encouraging him grately, and stretching his Spanish skills. We both hope to start a theological training course next week with Bolivian men and women from the city, most of Scotty's classmates will be local pastors. Scotty has also committed to playing for a city basketball league for his sheer enjoyment and in hopes of making good friendships with non-Christians. I'm going to start teaching one of our teammates to speak English, something that should be fun, but challenging for me who hasn't been trained to teach. We're looking forward to our church plant beginning to meet apart from the church in a couple weeks, giving us the opportunity to dive deeper and find out what this business is all about. Next weekend we are leaving the water-throwing craze (as part of a "religious" celebration called Carnaval) to head to the beach of Chile with gringo friends and a couple church plant members. I can't wait to see the beach again!! I want to take advantage of the warm summer before the chill sets in. And even bigger news, Scotty and I are considering buying land in Mallasilla before the costs raise, desiring to invest our resources here and eventually build a more permanent home. Although there are always frustrations and hard times, we are living in a consistent state of peace at where God has brought us and excitement (mixed with fear) of what He has in the future.


Anonymous said...

"Thank you for what you wrote. I love you!" That is the message that Chayila just asked me to type to you. We just finished supper and I read your blog to her. Her attention was captured by the photo of Malphurs in the sink. As always, we all appreciate the word pictures you provide with your excellent blogs.

Nicole said...

I love cats. I wish my husband did... :-P I wish I could go to the beach with you guys! Have fun!

ML said...

Hi Lisa! :) I love reading your stories...esp about the cats. Thanks for making me smile. :) I just put some new photos of Noah up, in case you wanted to peek at what he looks like today... We're looking forward to hosting Bteam on Sat - keep us posted on more prayer requests, etc. Love, ML