Monday, September 30, 2013

Ano, mano, boca.

That's "anus, hand, mouth" for those of you who didn't take Spanish in school, or maybe just never learned the word for "anus"...  This was the theme of the first 1/3 of today's parenting class.  The chat was given by a big, smiley doctor that is involved in the organization of the course who usually talks and jokes animatedly and shuffles around so much while he addresses his crowd that you'd think he might have been Fred Astaire in a past life.  Well, tonight, he was not his usual happy, light-hearted self.  He was serious.  Because the topic was serious. Very. Serious.  We were talking about intestinal and stomach infirmities that we might run into with our children.  Unfortunately, "ano, mano, boca" is a road many are taking without proper warning and the results are nasty.  We had the pictures to prove it.  And, as though I wasn't already easily scared enough when my kids get sick, apparently Dr. Usually Funny But Not Tonight decided to make us think that every tummy worm or episode of diarrhea would eventually, and sometimes quickly, lead to death.  For real.  He must have made the comment 3 times that he's known of cases in the homes where kids have died in a matter of 3 days from diarrhea.  Ok, I know it can be very serious.  However, there are times, especially with the proper care, when things turn out just fine.  So, I tried to take this class with a grain of salt and also got inspired to up my standards of washing vegetables, just in case...

In happier news, we are one class away from finishing!!  As we wrapped up tonight, the speaker asked for a few volunteers to speak at Wednesday's closing ceremony.  Ceremonies here are a big deal and receiving our certificate for completing this course will be part of that big deal.  Which means lots of formality and speeches and hand-shakes.  All good, unless you are someone who hates to speak in front of crowds in any language (but especially a foreign one) and happens to be seriously pressured by the ENTIRE class staring at them because they think it would be a good idea for one of the foreign couples to share and the German couple already gave a direct "NO."  Scotty and I cave and I assume that we'll get by with him speaking, because it never bothers him, but they insist that both share.  Sigh.  So, now Mrs. Would Rather Clean A Pubic Restroom Than Speak In Public is obligated to share in Spanish during this formal-speeches-only occasion.  Pray for me.

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